Bildernutzung - Enoch

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30, male

FSK 18 Mensch flexibel androsexuell Non-Binary androromantisch Profi erfunden

Posts: 34

Bildernutzung - Enoch

from Enoch on 02/15/2023 04:05 PM

Avatar: Josh Taylor

Seite: Josh Taylor
Letzter Aufruf: 15.02.2023

Artwork by me
Bilder von Twitter (Josh Taylor)
Letzter Aufruf: 15.02.2023

Heaven never heard me calling Guess this is the reason I feel like hell Weatherman the rain is pouring, yeah, yeah I wanna be in time See I'm being honest right now I've been in this dark hotel So why do I keep myself locked in? Yeah I wanna be, I wanna be! Be in oblivion Don't wanna live like this Need something to knock me out Don't wanna feel Nothing can make me numb Nothing left but to run I need you to knock me out...


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